dinsdag 22 november 2011

Lezing Nora Alter

Maandag 28 november a.s. zal Nora Alter (Temple University, US) een openbare lezing geven, getiteld Composing in Fragments: Music in the Essay Films of Resnais and Godard. Ben je geïnteresseerd in Europese art cinema of in de combinatie van muziek & film, kom luisteren. De - Engelstalige - lezing vindt plaats via de Onderzoeksmaster VAMA maar is voor iedereen toegankelijk.

Aanvang 18.00 uur, zaal 08a04.

Nora M. Alter is Chair and Professor of Film and Media Arts at Temple University. Her teaching and research have been focused on twentieth and twenty first century cultural and visual studies from a comparative perspective. She is author of Vietnam Protest Theatre: The Television War on Stage (1996), Projecting History: Non-Fiction German Film (2002), Chris Marker (2006) and co-editor with Lutz Koepnick of Sound Matters: Essays on the Acoustics of Modern German Culture (2004). She has published essays on German and European Studies, Film and Media Studies, Cultural and Visual Studies and Contemporary Art. She has been awarded year long research fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Howard Foundation and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is completing a new book on the international essay film and has begun research on a new study devoted to sound.

donderdag 17 november 2011

Impressie excursie bibliotheek EYE

In het kader van het tweedejaarsvak Filmanalyse zijn we op vrijdag 11 en woensdag november bij de bibliotheek van EYE (vh. Filmmuseum) geweest, waar Lizette Oostendorp en Germa Seuren ons wegwijs hebben gemaakt hoe in deze unieke bibliotheek te zoeken en wat je er allemaal kunt vinden. Bijgevoegd een impressie.

vrijdag 4 november 2011

Lezing Aniko Imre

PROF. Anikó Imre: Brand New EU: Nation Branding Across Media
VU University, room HG-14a10, Tuesday 22 November, 16:00-18:00

Anikó Imre is Associate Professor of Critical Studies at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Her work revolves around film and new media theory, global television, national and transnational media, postcoloniality, global consumption and mobility, studies of identity and play, media education, and European media. She is the author of Identity Games: Globalization and the Transformation of Media Cultures in the New Europe (MIT Press, 2009), editor of East European Cinemas (Routledge, 2005) and co-editor of Transnational Feminism in Film and Media (Palgrave, 2007), and Popular Television in Eastern and Southern Europe Routledge, 2012).

In her lecture, Anikó Imre will cast a critical look at the phenomenon of nation branding as a multimedia site of interaction between nostalgic nationalism and consumerist identity-construction within the expanding post-Cold War European media sphere. In the aftermath by socialism, nation-states of the New Europe have been forced to reinvent themselves as market-friendly and democratic places and shed the identity damage caused my socialism. State governments have widely embraced corporate nation-branding practices, often creating chaotic messages that have been met by cynical responses among their populations. Imre investigates the political implications of the permeability between the emotional attachment to brands and products and the love of the nation. As a case study, she will focus on the plight of Romania, whose recent rebranding campaigns to revitalize tourism and direct capital investment have been countered by a powerful Western investment in Brand Dracula and Brand Ceausescu as the country’s essential symbols, as evidenced, for instance, in the infamous Romanian episodes of the travel series No Reservations and Top Gear. This leads her to conclude that the paradoxical, “postnational” remapping of the post-Cold War world as a series of competing nation brands tends to reinforce neo-imperial inequalities among nation-states. In the case of small post-socialist nations, branding is promoted, paradoxically, in the guise of a post-national order that relieves citizens of nationalism’s ideological burden and converts its pleasures into a platform for consumer identification.

Everyone is invited to attend!

woensdag 2 november 2011

Klassiekers op YouTube

YouTube heeft tegenwoordig complete speelfilms op het net staan. Daar zit ook een hele serie klassiekers bij als Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Pansterkruiser Potemkin, Haxan/Witchcraft through the Ages van Christensen, The General met Buster Keaton, Fritz Langs M en Sabotage van Hitchcock. Blijkbaar heeft YouTube de rechten niet zo goed geregeld, want achter sommige titels schuilt al geen film meer.