Maandag 28 november a.s. zal Nora Alter (Temple University, US) een openbare lezing geven, getiteld Composing in Fragments: Music in the Essay Films of Resnais and Godard. Ben je geïnteresseerd in Europese art cinema of in de combinatie van muziek & film, kom luisteren. De - Engelstalige - lezing vindt plaats via de Onderzoeksmaster VAMA maar is voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Aanvang 18.00 uur, zaal 08a04.
Nora M. Alter is Chair and Professor of Film and Media Arts at Temple University. Her teaching and research have been focused on twentieth and twenty first century cultural and visual studies from a comparative perspective. She is author of Vietnam Protest Theatre: The Television War on Stage (1996), Projecting History: Non-Fiction German Film (2002), Chris Marker (2006) and co-editor with Lutz Koepnick of Sound Matters: Essays on the Acoustics of Modern German Culture (2004). She has published essays on German and European Studies, Film and Media Studies, Cultural and Visual Studies and Contemporary Art. She has been awarded year long research fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Howard Foundation and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. She is completing a new book on the international essay film and has begun research on a new study devoted to sound.
Conference Cabiria Atlas (Turin)
On Thursday 6 and Friday 7 February, the conference Cabiria Atlas will take
place at the Aula Magna of the University of Turin (Via Verdi 9). I will be
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