Op 11-12 maart vindt in TrouwAmsterdam het zesde VideoVortex event plaats! Met nieuwe congressen en workshops is de wereld van onlie video springlevend. Je kunt hier meer lezen en kaarten kopen.
Geert Lovink, Engage in Destiny Design: Online Video Beyond Hypergrowth
Introduction to Video Vortex Reader II
Stefan Heidenreich: Vision Possible: A Methodological Quest for Online Video
Andreas Treske: Frames within Frames – Windows and Doors
Robrecht Vanderbeeken: Web Video and the Screen as a Mediator and Generator of Reality
Vito Campanelli: The DivX Experience
Sarah Késenne: Regarding the Sex, Lies and Videotapes of Others: Memory, Counter-Memory,and Mystified Relations
Gabriel Menotti: Objets Propagés: The Internet Video as an Audiovisual Format
Andrew Gryf Paterson: From a Pull-down Screen, Fold-up Chairs, a Laptop and a Projector: The Development of Clip Kino Screenings, Workshops and Roles in Finland
Jan Simons: Between iPhone and YouTube: Movies on the Move?
Sandra Fauconnier: Video Art Distribution in the Era of Online Video
Evelin Stermitz: ArtFem.TV: Feminist Artistic Infiltration of a Male Net Culture
Mél Hogan: Crashing the Archive/Archiving the Crash: The Case of SAW Video’s Mediatheque
Teague Schneiter: Ethical Presentation of Indigenous Media in the Age of Open Video:
Cultivating Collaboration, Sovereignty and Sustainability
David Teh: The Video Agenda in Southeast Asia, or, ‘Digital, So Not Digital’
Ferdiansyah Thajib, Nuraini Juliastuti, Andrew Lowenthal and Alexandra Crosby
A Chronicle of Video Activism and Online Distribution in Post-New Order Indonesia
Larissa Hjorth: Still Mobile: Networked Mobile Media, Video Content and Users in Seoul
Matthew Williamson: Degeneracy in Online Video Platforms
Andrew Clay: Blocking, Tracking, and Monetizing: YouTube Copyright Control and the
Downfall Parodies
Tara Zepel: Cultural Analytics at Work: The 2008 U.S. Presidential Online Video Ads
Rachel Somers Miles: Free, Open and Online: An Interview with Denis Roio aka Jaromil
Alejandro Duque: Streaming Counter Currents: ‘W.A.S.T.E’
Sam Gregory: Cameras Everywhere: Ubiquitous Video Documentation of Human Rights, New Forms of Video Advocacy, and Considerations of Safety, Security, Dignity and Consent
Elizabeth Losh: Shooting for the Public: YouTube, Flickr, and the Mavi Marmara Shootings
Brian Willems: Increasing the Visibility of Blindness: Natalie Bookchin’s Mass Ornament
Natalie Bookchin and Blake Stimson: Out in public: Natalie Bookchin in Conversation with Blake Stimson
Linda Wallace: non-western and garland
Perry Bard: When Film and Database Collide
Cecilia Guida: YouTube as a Subject: Interview with Constant Dullaart
Rosa Menkman: Glitch Studies Manifesto
Albert Figurt: The Thin Line Between On and Off: a (re:)cyclothymic exploration
Conference Cabiria Atlas (Turin)
On Thursday 6 and Friday 7 February, the conference Cabiria Atlas will take
place at the Aula Magna of the University of Turin (Via Verdi 9). I will be
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